Inside Philanthropy: How Giving Circles Are Adapting to COVID-19
“We will be here for the long haul. That [is an] inherent strength because, crisis or not, we aren’t going anywhere.”
Hali Lee, Asian Women Giving Circle founder
Recently, the Asian Women Giving Circle was featured in an Inside Philanthropy piece on how giving circles are adapting to the COVID-19 crisis. We will miss our normal fundraisers and get-togethers this spring, but are proud to be doing everything we can to ensure that our communities stay safe and healthy.
Now more than ever, it is important for us to come together and support each other. Our grantees have been doing amazing work to support the New York City AAPI community, which we are proud to support. This year, we look forward to continuing to fund meaningful projects by Asian-American women that promote social change and uplift our communities through arts and culture.