AWGC Awards 2014 Grant Projects
From Murals and Graphic Novels to Smartphone Apps: Asian Women Giving Circle Awards Cultural Strategy Grants to NYC Artists and Community Groups
NEW YORK CITY, NY – A large-scale public mural in Brooklyn’s Chinatown and a graphic novel aimed at educating New York City’s immigrant communities about their civil liberties are among seven artists and community groups receiving grants from the Asian Women Giving Circle this year.“This year’s grantees represent a vibrant cross-section of Asian American artists and community groups in New York City that are harnessing the power of arts and culture to bear witness to injustice and inspire people to take action in their own lives,” said Hali Lee, founder of the Asian Women Giving Circle. “We are pleased to honor these culture-makers who are challenging the status quo with their own bold visions of a more fair, just and inclusive society.”Learn more about 2014 Grant Projects