Q-Wave marches in Lunar New Year Parade

Q-Wave and Asian Women Giving Circle March in 2010 Lunar New Year Parade

On Saturday, February 20th, the Asian Women Giving Circle marched in celebration and solidarity with members of Q-Wave at the 2010 Lunar New Parade in Manhattan's Chinatown. Q-Wave, founded in 2004, is a grassroots organization dedicated to strengthening the voices of lesbian/bisexual/queer women and transgender/gender variant people of Asian descent. It was the first time in the parade's history that there was an Asian LGBTQ contingent. In 2009, the Asian Women Giving Circle awarded a $4,000 grant to Q-Wave for their organizing, education and awareness building work at the Lunar New Year parade.Read The Daily News article here


Sip Shop Swap 2010


So the Arrow Flies Performance with Ester Chae